Alpine Impact Days 2024

Radically rethinking business. Leading progressively and creating real impact. Be visionary and collaborate with confidence.

10. & 11. October 2024 | Innsbruck

The Alpine Impact Days 2024 are not “the usual” business conference. The Alpine Impact Days are a happening, a melting pot, a festival of ideas and emotions that celebrates diversity and demands innovation as we work together to build a future fit for grandchildren. #enable

In the heart of alpine-urban Innsbruck, we will leave traditional, dusty discussions behind us on these two days and dedicate ourselves to a discourse that is all about the new, the innovative, the unprecedented. #inspire

We are creating a platform for the pioneers of the impact scene in Tyrol and beyond, a hub for entrepreneurs, activists, experts and interested parties, where not only, but especially those who we in Tyrol like to call “eh gscheit, aber halt abissl a Spinna:rin” are welcome #connect

Buy tickets now

Facts and figures

  • +
  • participants
  • .
  • partners
  • evening events inclusive
  • %

What to expect

Our focus themes 2024

  • Innovation meets responsibility
    Mehr erfahren What solutions do we really need? AI as an all-rounder - is that really what we want? Transparency as a new business model - how does it work? Is blockchain really democratising the financial market?
  • Common good meets profit
    Mehr erfahren Does that always mean foregoing profit? Is capitalism evil? Can I invest profitably in the common good? Is the zebra really replacing the unicorn? Marketing 2.0: How do you build a strong brand without greenwashing?
  • Established economy meets wokeness culture
    Mehr erfahren Young people don't want to work any more anyway - do they? Think globally, act locally - how does that work? The boss decides - and that's it? Are our valleys being left in the lurch? Do we even want to be as inclusive as we always say?
  • Climate meets market
    Mehr erfahren How does CO2 offsetting work innovatively and transparently? Is our economic system climate-neutral feasible? Is tourism possible if we want to be sustainable?
  • Public meets private
    Mehr erfahren What is the state responsible for and what is the private sector responsible for? Is the EU's new supply chain law coherent enough? How does the ESG taxonomy affect small and medium-sized enterprises? Who is responsible for the energy transition in the Alpine region?

So...let's do some name dropping

The Alpine Impact Days 2024 impress not only with their diverse, cross-industry participants, but also with high-calibre top speakers. In keynotes, panel discussions and one-on-one settings, you will have the opportunity to network with pioneers of the impact scene from all over Europe and beyond.

And that's not all!

Our list of speakers is constantly being updated!

  • Networking
  • Meet the pioneers
  • Innovation
  • Inspiration
  • Festive atmosphere
  • Impact knowledge


All the highlights that await you at a glance!


Make valuable contacts with pioneers, founders, experts and investors from various industries.

Meet the pioneers

At the Alpine Impact Days 2024, it’s all about doing the hard work instead of the soft skills – we have invited high-calibre personalities from the impact scene in Tyrol and beyond…


Experience innovative projects, ideas and solutions at first hand through practical workshops and deep-dive sessions.


Be inspired by success stories and creative approaches that bring about positive change in the world.

Feierliche Stimmung

Successes must be celebrated! This is the credo we follow at the Impact Hub – and we won’t miss the opportunity to celebrate our Alpine Impact Days ’24 with you.


Benefit from renowned keynote speakers and deepen your knowledge in interactive workshops on relevant topics.

Tickets and Pricing

All our community members receive an exclusive 20% discount on their tickets. Members will receive the promo code for the promotion by email. If you are a member and have not received a code, please contact Lena.

Private Ticket - 2 days

For individuals, one-person entrepreneurs and small teams

  • Super Early Bird
  • Early Bird
  • Standard

Company Ticket - 2 days

For companies and NGOs of 10 persons or more. 1 company ticket is valid for 1 person/company.

  • Super Early Bird
  • Early Bird
  • Standard

* Alle Tickets inkl. MwSt
* Es gibt ein begrenztes Ticket-Kontingent pro Kategorie.

Radical. Honest. Innovative –
Alpine Impact Days 2024

The ticket includes:
- Access to all event venues in and around Innsbruck
- Access to all sessions, stages and formats
- Direct access to our networking areas
- Catering for all event days
- 2 tickets in 1: Exclusive evening event on Thursday "Alpine Impact Days meets Rauchzeichen" in cooperation with our partner Rauchzeichen
- Closing party on Friday in cooperation with the Kulturbackstube bakery
I'm in!

Our partners

We believe that the best ideas are created when people work together with motivation and passion. And so it is only natural that we have brought strong and competent partners on board for the Alpine Impact Days.

Become a partner

Would you and your company also like to take part in the Alpine Impact Days and position yourself as a pioneer in terms of impact in the Alpine region? Let's make an appointment to plan our path together...


Is the event in english?

The event will be held in both English and German. This means that there will always be at least two breakout sessions in English and at least two in German. For the keynotes, we also make sure that speakers alternate between the two languages. Unfortunately, we do not have simultaneous translation, but the event can still be attended in both languages

What is the best way to travel to Innsbruck?

We recommend travelling by foot (for participants from Innsbruck😉), by bike or by public transport. And if you are travelling by car, please try to form car pools.

If you are travelling by train: It is only a few minutes’ walk from the main railway station to Impact Hub Tirol. At the “Messe” stop, where trains from the direction of Kufstein usually stop, it is a few minutes less to us.

Are there car parking facilities on site?

Unfortunately, there are no parking facilities directly at the Impact Hub Tirol. We recommend using one of the car parks nearby, such as the underground car park Dreiheiligen, GSZ Bürgergarten or the car park at the main railway station.
Fees may apply.
It is worth checking with your accommodation whether it is possible to leave your car there.

How many participants are expected?

At the Alpine Impact Days, you will meet around 200 people from a wide range of sectors – depending on how active you are as a networker.

Which accommodation can we recommend?

You can find a great overview of accommodation in Innsbruck on this page.

Am I part of the target group? Impact topics are new to me...

The Alpine Impact Days are primarily aimed at active people who are already involved in the topic of impact. As a newcomer, you may have a question mark in front of your eyes from time to time, but you will always find a session that is easy to join and we look forward to introducing you to the community.

Do we get a discount as an Impact Startup?

All startups that are members of the Impact Hub receive a discount. As startups are the main target group, we are unfortunately unable to give you an extra discount. However, if you book the ticket as an individual, it is already significantly cheaper than a normal company ticket.

I can only take part for one day, does that still make sense?

Whether you only have time on Thursday or Friday, you can take away a lot of inspiration and knowledge from the AIDs. On Thursday there will be mainly breakout sessions on various impact topics and concepts (e.g. B-Corp or Impact Finance), on Friday mainly sessions that explore how innovations realise their impact-first ambition in practice.
The ticket is valid for both days – it is not possible to buy a ticket for only one of the two days.


Are the AIDs accessible without barriers?

Die Bäckerei – Kulturbackstube, where the event will mainly take place, is barrier-free accessible on the ground floor. If you or your companion require barrier-free access, please get in touch with us – we will make sure that we take this into account when allocating rooms for the sessions!

What is included in the ticket?

Your ticket includes:

  • Access to all event locations in and around Innsbruck
  • Access to all sessions, stages and formats
  • Direct access to our networking areas
  • Catering for all event days
  • 2 tickets in 1: Exclusive evening event on Thursday “Alpine Impact Days meets Rauchzeichen” in cooperation with our partner Rauchzeichen
  • Closing party on Friday in cooperation with Die Bäckerei Kulturbackstube
Is it possible to cater for special catering requirements?

Are you a vegetarian or vegan or do you prefer kosher or halal food? No problem, our catering over the 2 days will be predominantly vegan.
Do you have coeliac disease, allergies or intolerances? Please contact us directly in good time so that we can find a good solution. In this case, please contact

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller