As the founder and CEO of a multi-award-winning tech start-up, Anna has spent the last nine years constantly thinking outside the box and doing her bit to develop smart digital solutions in an extremely fast-moving but also extremely human working environment. Digitalisation, female leadership, people tech and new work are some of the topics that are close to her heart and on which she advises players in politics and business, for example as a member of the “Young Digital Economy” advisory board of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, founding member of the HR-Tech Ethics Advisory Board or Chairwoman of the “Future of Work” department at the Federal Association of the Digital Economy (BVDW e.V.). With the founding of the tech company Tandemploy in 2013, the female investor network encourageventures in 2021 and the merger of Tandemploy with the global tech company Phenom in 2022, she has shown more than once what is possible when we dare not to leave our ideas of a better working world in theory, but to tackle them with heart and mind.